Thursday, August 27, 2009

Last Two Weeks

School is almost here! We're wrapping up our summer swim lessons next week, spending this Saturday shopping for new glasses for Lauren and some clothes for both kiddos. We also need to find the time to get haircuts, attend a PTA Budget meeting, visit the dentist and hopefully make the Ice Cream Social to pay for school fees and lunch accounts before Chuck and I head to Newport for Labor Day weekend. It's going to be busy these last two weeks, but I'm very excited for my family. Lauren and Tyler get to step back into the swing of learning and interacting with their friends.

I'm also excited about a new group that some friends and myself are starting in Canby. A group of us mommies have decided that it would be nice to get together once a month and share what's working for us in parenting and discuss ways to improve problem areas. They say it takes a village to raise a child and I don't believe that means pawning your children off to others. Rather use from your resources in the best way possible for your children. That's our goal; communial parenting at its best!

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