Monday, October 20, 2008

Lauren's First Slumber Party

Lauren went to her first birthday slumber on Saturday. My little girl is growning up before my eyes and I can't stop her. They put on make-up, did up their hair, dressed up in sparkly outfits and karoked to Hannah Montana on a makeshift stage. I have no idea how late they stayed up, but she made it through the night and was disappointed when it came time to leave in the morning. For now I'm thankful that it's slumber parties and make-up with the girls because before long I will lose any and all access to my phone and she'll want to go on a date with the boy down the street.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pleased to know about the sparkling party. I am thinking to go for a painting get together of all kids in their vacations. It would be a great time for all with full fun. Searching for some well suited LA event venues for such productive parties. Thinking to invite all mommies altogether and will make the preparations accordingly.