Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ewwwwww!!!! Braces Here I Come

I had the most disgusting experience this morning. I'm 32 and way too old for braces, but that's what I need to improve my bite and lower my dental bills overall. So there I am sitting in the dental chair about to have molds taken of my teeth. Mind you this is something that 9 and 10 year old children do all the time. And as the assistant puts the molds of purple, slimy, rubbery goop into my mouth, I can feel myself gag and gag and gag, repeatedly....... This is not an experience that I want to send my children off to do. It's not an experience I ever want to happen again. Why, oh why, do they not warn you that this horrible event is going to happen and it will feel even worse!

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